My name is Harland, The Soccer Sensei

Hey there! I'm Harland, and I'm all about chasing goals both on and off the soccer field. Soccer isn't just a sport for me; it's a passion that fuels my competitive spirit and drives me to push my limits every single day.

I've been lacing up my cleats for as long as I can remember, playing club soccer for the past two years and honing my skills in the rec leagues for four years prior. Whether it's a friendly match or a high-stakes tournament, you can bet I'll be giving it my all, dribbling past opponents and strategizing with my team to secure that winning goal.

My dedication doesn't stop at the sidelines. When I'm not on the pitch, you might find me donning a different uniform as a proud member of the Boy Scouts. Exploring the great outdoors, learning essential life skills, and serving my community are just a few of the invaluable experiences I've gained through scouting.

Beyond sports and scouting, I also find fulfillment in giving back to my community. I actively participate in volunteer efforts through my church, where I've had the privilege of serving others and contributing to meaningful causes.

In essence, I'm a multifaceted individual who thrives on challenges, teamwork, and making a positive impact wherever I go. Whether it's through scoring goals, mastering survival skills, or lending a helping hand, I'm always eager to embrace new opportunities and strive for excellence in everything I do. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing more adventures with you along the way!

Notable Achievements:

  • 7 years of Shotokan karate, Black Belt rank

  • 3 time National champion and silver in the 2022 World championship.

  • 6 years of scouting with Pack 903 Evanston

  • 50+ hours of community service

  • 5 years of rec soccer with AYSO Evanston

  • 2021-2022 AYSO Extra “Most Valuable Offense”

  • 2 years of club soccer with Jahbat FC

  • 2022 Fall NISL champions with Jahbat FC

  • 2023 Spring YSSL division champions with Jahbat FC